Data Governance and Security: Impacts on Local Communities

Data Governance and Security: Impacts on Local Communities

The days of putting IT security, data governance, and supporting policies on the back burner have quickly ended for our local government. The ability to procure Cyber Security insurance coverage is becoming more and more challenging. Premiums and deductibles rapidly increase while the range narrows, leaving our municipalities, agencies, and educational system vulnerable to unpredictable ransom.

 Recently, we've seen significant cities ransomed multiple times, our education system targeted during the season for applying to higher education, grid locking our students, and our primary infrastructure services heavily targeted.

 The impact of lacking cyber security affects the ability to obtain cyber security insurance and municipalities' ability to offer municipal bonds critical for their local economy. 

 As Insurance providers pressure security reform, the government struggles with identifying, quantifying, and remediating their risks. Most local municipalities' technical resources have inherited part-time responsibilities of implementing and maintaining cyber security. Keeping the lights on is, and should be, the priority for operations teams. As our hard-working government IT professionals continue to keep the "lights on," areas like cyber security become secondary during a time when cyber security priority is critical.

How is Aptimized helping? While hackers are planning their next attack, Aptimized is actively working with our local government entities to understand their challenges to ensure proper remediation planning is clearly understood and documented. We carry expertise able to work across the organization. Whether a Risk Manager, CISO, or Director, we bring the expertise to translate complex requirements into solutions with a clear path. Our ability to provide our customers with concise information mapped directly to clear action items allows our customers to see the approach to the desired state. We achieve this by our ability to quickly integrate with your people, processes, policies, and technology. This allows our customers to relieve pressure in as little as four weeks. 


Reach out to the Aptimized team for a free 2-hour workshop to discuss your challenges!

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