Road to Modernizing Your HR Systems

Road to Modernizing Your HR Systems

Massive disruptions driven by changes in the business ecosystem have transformed nearly every aspect of industry. Increased outsourcing, the rapid growth of the work-from-home movement, and swiftly advancing technology have all created new challenges that all aspects of business must adapt to. 

The requirements for effective HR solutions have evolved, too. Not only does the HR field need to adapt to these changes, but it must also successfully integrate them into the core of its functions.


One of the most transformational shifts in business is the shift to modern big-data systems. Though the rise of big-data creates new challenges for HR - such as including another set of skills that need to be considered through the hiring process – it also provides massive opportunities to drive innovation and increase effectiveness through the HR space. 

Employee Selection

Data driven insights can augment the employee selection process. An HR solution driven by big data can instantly sort through and screen hundreds of applications based on job requirements, keywords, and the performance of previous employees, creating a short-list of the most qualified candidates. An automated selection process reduces manual work time and enables smart filtering to deliver only the most relevant applications. 

Employee Experience

Big data can help optimize employee experience. It can make smart training decisions by analyzing metrics across a business, and can discover gaps in knowledge which could spell disaster for vital projects. 

Using data to help determine employee benefits can increase retention while minimizing costs. Additionally, most of these processes are automated, requiring minimal human capital to scale efficiently. 

Collecting and utilizing employee data is vital for a modern HR solution. It must be robust enough to drive insight based on data collected across an entire organization, and has to utilize new capabilities such as machine learning and process automation. Fully employing a data-driven HR implementation will reduce costs, increase productivity, and automatically maintain business flow.

Centralization & Decentralization

Shifts in the modern workforce have revolutionized what a modern HR solution needs to be. Changes in the members, locations, and hours of the workforce have created new expectations which many legacy HR implementations do not fulfill. Rather than a patchwork of restrictions and communications between departments, an HR solution must be a unified system that focuses on empowering employees. 

Workers have often found it difficult to navigate a complex web of various loosely connected HR systems. Advances in design philosophy and cloud computing have allowed for these various processes to be collected into one architecture, simplifying the HR experience both for the average employee and the HR department. It is critical that these centralized systems are not monolithic – customization based on individual workplace needs must be fostered to promote productivity. 

Not only are unified HR solutions beneficial to everyone in a company, they facilitate the aggregation of data through an ecosystem. The importance of strong, comprehensive data in HR cannot be understated; universal data allows for stronger insights and more accurate prediction. 

HR implementations cannot simply be designed around employee management. They must be created to empower employees and allow them to utilize their expertise. Legacy HR implementations fail to accommodate decentralized business environments, where employees need to communicate across the globe. With outsourcing and work-from-home arrangements becoming ever present, these environments are quickly becoming standard. 

Modern HR solutions must empower employees. Creating a robust culture of feedback allows for employees to identify issues and create insight autonomously. An HR solution that increases employee trust and encourages feedback is the cornerstone for promoting this culture. 

Empowering employees by making them feel more connected to management also fosters greater trust and reduces miscommunication. Transparency and strong communication systems are therefore required by modern HR implementations - an endeavor that Aptimized can guide you on.

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